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Loki: The archaea questions on the tree of life

Loki: The archaea questions on the tree of life

The Lokiarchaeota, single-celled archaea, are rewriting the fundamentals of the tree of life. That may lead to reshuffling the jigsaw puzzle to fit theories on the evolution of eukaryotes.

Greenland, not Green and Iceland, not Icy

Greenland, not Green and Iceland, not Icy

An incorrect name of a place may lead to a state of confusion. For instance, any visitor before visiting Greenland may picture and expect a place with most of its areas covered with

If you sneeze most often under the sunlight– a rare condition

If you sneeze most often under the sunlight– a rare condition

Photic sneeze reflects (PSR) or Autosomal dominant compelling Helio-ophthalmic outbursts (ACHOO) syndrome, yes that's the name of a condition described first by Aristotle in 350 BC. An Individual with the syndrome can have uncontrollably long sneeze bursts upon sudden

Bonsai – the million-dollar art

Bonsai – the million-dollar art

A first glance at the art would probably let viewers think that it is just a type of tree with dwarf genetics resembling a mature tree or a forest environment. But, it is not.

Is Cryonics a pipe dream?

Is Cryonics a pipe dream?

Can we just put someone in stasis and bring them back to life in the future, when medical technologies reach the stage that brings deads back to life?

Experts Reveal COVID-19 Deep Surface Cleaning Facts

Experts Reveal COVID-19 Deep Surface Cleaning Facts

Earlier studies on SARS-CoV-2 indicated that the virus persists on plastic, and stainless steel,

The Only Venomous Primate on the planet

The Only Venomous Primate on the planet

Slow lorises (Nycticebus sp.), commonly found in the wild, South, and Southeast Asia, often become the subject of YouTube sensation for their cute eyes. But,

Hashtags in the Linguistic Landscape — The Origin

Hashtags in the Linguistic Landscape — The Origin

Today the usage of ‘#’ is mainly used to denote the metadata tags on social media. But, the official name of a hashtag is quite different — Octothorpe. The historical roots

Above Three Miles Long — The Largest Organism On The Planet

Above Three Miles Long — The Largest Organism On The Planet

A call for the largest organism on the planet and the first name that could strike in mind will be a blue whale. But, across the Blue Mountains in Oregon, lies the parasitic and delicious

Water In Three Phases At The Same Time

Water In Three Phases At The Same Time

The time at which water appears in all the three phases (gas, liquid, and solid) known as the “triple point”. The temperature and pressure at which a substance coexist

Does Alcohol Raise Your Body Temperature?

Does Alcohol Raise Your Body Temperature?

Often people tend to feel warmer after consuming alcohols, but in reality, the fact differs from the adopted belief to a great extent. Upon the intake of alcohols, our body gets warmer — is a false notion. When an individual consumes high doses of alcoholic drinks,

The Habbit Of Cracking Bad Jokes

The Habbit Of Cracking Bad Jokes

What would you call a person who's incontrollable impulses makes them joke in an inappropriate situation?

Moles And The Changing Colour

Moles And The Changing Colour

When we see moles on our body, we hardly think of anything else rather than just a normal process. The word "Moles" comes from the Latin word meaning birthmark.

“Icecream Headache” For “Brain Freeze”

“Icecream Headache” For “Brain Freeze”

During summer, while having ice cream, you probably hardly think of suffering from a staggering pain in the forehead known as “brain freeze” or “Ice cream headache.”

The Discovery That Delivered WMD

The Discovery That Delivered WMD

Seaborg, born in Michigan, United States, had no interest in science and knew little about the subject. Since one science class with laboratory sessions was a mandate

A Brief History of Ancient Emoticons- “x” for Kiss

A Brief History of Ancient Emoticons- “x” for Kiss

The history of “x” dates back to hundreds of years which according to the Oxford English Dictionary, the letter "x" had been used

The Most Remote Place on Earth Is Now Polluted

The Most Remote Place on Earth Is Now Polluted

The point on earth where astronauts become the nearest humans. The furthest point from land lies in the heart of the Pacific Ocean known as

The Obsession of Obtaining a Unique Book

The Obsession of Obtaining a Unique Book

How fascinating words can be? Of many words, the word Tsundoku is one of them, which has a root that goes way back to the Meiji era

Libraries Home To a Colony Of Bats

Libraries Home To a Colony Of Bats

If you probably think of a cleaning crew for a library of big castle size, the first thing that would come to mind is of humans. But the library at the University of Coimbra, Central Portugal “Biblioteca Joanina, ” might consider an exception.

The youngest To Become An Author

The youngest To Become An Author

It could be surprising to many if a child ends up writing a book in an attempt to answer a question. Well, it is not for the girl born in Washington D.C, Dorothy Elmhirst Straight, the youngest author.

The Ultimate Power of a Mind in Healing

The Ultimate Power of a Mind in Healing

Our mind possesses the ultimate power to heal, alter physiological functions include digestion, circulation and the immune system. The lack of solid scientific background

The Strange Habbits of Book Nerds

The Strange Habbits of Book Nerds

Do we have any specific place for reading? Probably not. To start reading at the table and ending up in bed- a sort of habit. Librocubicularist, the word defines an individual who has the habit of reading in bed. Originated from the combination of

Shimmery Lipsticks From The Fish Scales

Shimmery Lipsticks From The Fish Scales

When it comes to makeup, probably anyone thinks of any of the possible odd stuff that could be in that product and lipstick is one

Borborygmus- The Roar From Your Tummy

Borborygmus- The Roar From Your Tummy

Imagine, you're in a serious discussion with your officers, a quiet conversation, and your stomach starts making a

The Fascination of Binding Books in Human Skin

The Fascination of Binding Books in Human Skin

While it is uncommon in the 21st century to have a book bound in human skin, but It was not in the 19th century. The practise of binding books in human skin is termed as

Once 'Backrub' And Now 'Google'

Once 'Backrub' And Now 'Google'

Google originally named as Backrub. It started in the year 1995, Stanford University when Larry Page and Sergey Brin, started working from their dorm rooms and built a search engine called Backrub which later renamed to Google- a play on the mathematical expression for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros.

The Obsession of Obtaining a Unique Book

The Obsession of Obtaining a Unique Book

How fascinating words can be. Of many words, the word Tsundoku is one of them, which has a root that goes way back to the Meiji era of Japan, and can be found in texts as early as 1879.

The Confusion of Words That Sounds Similar

The Confusion of Words That Sounds Similar

You probably heard of people confused with what is similar in sound and the habit of misusing them ridiculously. This sort of confusion is known as Malapropism. It is an act of using an incorrect word in place of

The Quietest Place on Earth

The Quietest Place on Earth

Hidden deep in Building 87, at Microsoft headquarter, Redmond, Washington, where the company develops its hardware. The place where Surface computers, Xbox and Hololens were raised.

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