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Water In Three Phases At The Same Time

Paradoxical Quotes Publisher



December 14, 2020 at 6:30:00 PM

Water In Three Phases At The Same Time

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The time at which water appears in all the three phases (gas, liquid, and solid) known as the “triple point”. The temperature and pressure at which a substance coexist in all the three phases and sublimation curve, fusion curve, and the vaporisation curve meets at a point. The triple point of water where liquid water, solid ice, and water vapour can coexist, occurs at approximately 273.16 K (0.0075 °C), and partial vapour pressure of 611.657 Pascals. The triple point of water has a crucial application in the calibration industry. It provides a critical reference point while calibrating precision temperature probes. These allow the expert to identify unacceptable drift between calibrations and helps to eliminate uncertainties. The triple point of water also enables improved thermometer standards to extend the accuracy of temperature equipment.

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