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The Quietest Place on Earth

Paradoxical Quotes Publisher



June 14, 2020 at 7:30:00 PM

The Quietest Place on Earth

Photo Courtesy:

Steve Orfield

Hidden deep in Building 87, at Microsoft headquarter, Redmond, Washington, where the company develops its hardware. The place where Surface computers, Xbox and Hololens were raised. An anechoic chamber, built by the engineers at Microsoft. The room set the world record for silence with the background noise level inside measured at -20.6 decibels.
To make it simple, a human whisper is around 30 decibels, the sound of someone breathing is around 10 decibels. Even the noise from air molecules colliding with each other at room temperature measures at -24 decibels, whereas the limit of human hearing is about 0 decibels.
“It is a very unique experience inside with the door closed. When you stop breathing, you can hear your heart beating, and the blood flowing in your veins.” says LaSalle Munroe, Microsoft Senior Engineer, Surface Devices.

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