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The Discovery That Delivered WMD

Paradoxical Quotes Publisher



September 8, 2020 at 7:30:00 PM

The Discovery That Delivered WMD

Photo Courtesy:

US Department of Energy

Seaborg, born in Michigan, United States, had no interest in science and knew little about the subject. Since one science class with laboratory sessions was a mandate to achieve the college degree, therefore he signed up for chemistry. The subject that later transformed Seaborg's interest completely. He obtained a doctorate in chemistry, from the University of California at Berkeley, where he went on discovering many new radioactive isotopes, including iodine 131, that helped the medical science in diagnosis thyroid gland problems, locating brain tumours, kidney and liver disease.
The research that led the Seaborg’s team to the discovery of plutonium at UC Berkeley has changed the course of description for the most destructive weapons in history. In the year 1944, at Metallurgical Laboratory in Chicago, he headed the Manhattan Project to develop the weapon of mass destruction, an atomic bomb.

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