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Moles And The Changing Colour

Paradoxical Quotes Publisher



October 14, 2020 at 7:00:00 PM

Moles And The Changing Colour

Photo Courtesy:

Anna Roguszczak

When we see moles on our body, we hardly think of anything else rather than just a normal process. The word "Moles" comes from the Latin word meaning birthmark. It is a collection of pigment-producing cells in your skin known as melanocytes. In medical term, a mole is called nevus (plural: nevi).
The cause of appearing new moles remains indistinct and usually believed to include genetic factors and sun damage. They generally appear anywhere in the body, as single or in a cluster during childhood and adolescence.However, people with light skin tend to have more moles. The emergence of new moles may be an outcome from the change in hormone levels as in the case of pregnancy.
Even though the majority of moles remains benign (noncancerous) yet, the probability of new moles in an adult to become malignant (cancerous) is higher when its appearance or colour changes. Therefore, consulting a dermatologist could be a better idea to make sure it is not cancerous.

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