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Greenland, not Green and Iceland, not Icy

Paradoxical Quotes Publisher



December 23, 2021 at 6:30:00 PM

Greenland, not Green and Iceland, not Icy

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Paradoxical Quotes Publisher Greenland (Left) and Iceland (Right)

An incorrect name of a place may lead to a state of confusion. For instance, any visitor before visiting Greenland may picture and expect a place with most of its areas covered with greens. Considering the names, Greenland and Iceland are quite the opposite. The biggest island on earth, Greenland is home to nearly 56,000 (2020) people. Whereas Iceland shelters over 366,000 (2020) individuals. About 80 percent (almost three parts) of Greenland is covered in ice, which in the case of Iceland stands at 11 percent. In contrast to Greenland, Iceland has a climate that supports an intensely green summer.
The incorrect names seem to have been introduced by the traveler who arrived first at the island and are technically incorrect.

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