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Borborygmus- The Roar From Your Tummy

Paradoxical Quotes Publisher



July 3, 2020 at 7:00:00 PM

Borborygmus- The Roar From Your Tummy

Photo Courtesy:

Joshua Mcknight

Imagine, you're in a serious discussion with your officers, a quiet conversation, and your stomach starts making a growling or rumbling sound. That could cast the moment with an embarrassment. The one to be accused of is the Borborygmus (plural as borborygmi), the technical term for a gurgling sound of the stomach. This usual outcome from the intestinal movements of the fluids and gases.
The Louder sound may indicate an individual is hungry and typically results from the sound produced due to the movement of air, which gets amplified by empty spaces in the stomach, hence the louder noise. It also can occur due to the incomplete digestion, or other gastrointestinal complications like colitis, lactic acid intolerance, etc.

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