Apple recently launched the 12 series at a virtual event on 13 October. The company earlier planned to reveal its new line up of phones in the September event, but delayed due to the pandemic. Apple’s innovation slowly losing its firm base and can hardly be seen on their devices, may it be a jaw-dropping feature or the design. But the tech giant finally launched their iPhone 12 series which includes iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max and probably with the same old features, with a few tweaks and tricks in their powerful software, and the nanometer bionic chip.
1. Apple iPhone 12
A 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display
Ultra-Wide camera and a new Wide camera with an f/1.6 aperture
A14 Bionic chip
50 per cent faster performance (CPU and GPU)
End-to-end Dolby Vision experience (capture cinema-grade videos)
Available in 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB starting at ₹79,900 ($649)
2. Apple iPhone 12 Pro
Flat-edge design
Edge-to-edge displays with reduced borders, the iPhone 12 Pro features a 6.1-inch.
Available in 128GB, 256 GB and 512 GB.
New LiDAR Scanner for augmented reality (AR) experiences (a feature that anyone hardly uses)
Starting at ₹1,19,900 ($999)
3. Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max
6.7-inch screen
Available in 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB
Water-resistant up to 6 meters for 30 minutes (IP68 rating certified)
Starting at ₹1,29,900 ($1099)
4. iPhone 12 Mini
Probably the world's smallest and lightest 5G smartphone
5.4-inch screen
A14 Bionic
IP68 water and dust resistant with up to 6 metres for up to 30 minutes
Starting at ₹69,900 ( $699)