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Authors Agreement

Submission of work requires that the piece to be reviewed has not previously published. Upon acceptance, the authors assign Paradoxical Quotes (PQs) the right to publish and distribute the manuscript in part or its entirety. Publications will always include authors name or as needed by his/her will. 

Authors shall have the following nonexclusive rights: 

  • To use the manuscript in authors teaching activities, 

  • To publish the manuscript, or permit its publication, as part of any book authors may write,

  • To include the manuscript in authors own personal or departmental (but not institutional) database or online-sites,

  • To license reprints of the manuscript to third persons for educational photocopying. Authors also agree to credit the Paradoxical Quotes as the original place of publication. 


Authors grant the PQs full and exclusive rights to the manuscript, all revisions, and the full copyright. 

The Paradoxical Quotes rights include but are not limited to the following: 

  1. To reproduce, publish, sell, and distribute copies of the manuscript and translations, and other derivative works, in print, audio-visual, electronic, or by any media now or hereafter known or devised,

  2. To license reprints of the manuscript to third persons for educational photocopying,

  3. To license others to create abstracts of the manuscript and to index them,

  4. To license secondary publishers to reproduce the manuscript in print, microform, or any computer-readable form, including online databases,

  5. To license the manuscript for document delivery. These exclusive rights run the full term of the copyright and all renewals and extensions thereof.


The author of the book or manuscript understands and agrees to the following terms:

  1. Submission of the manuscript of a book or books in his/her own will to Paradoxical Quotes for printing, distribution and promotion.

  2. The author of the book or his/her nominated family member will be the copyright holder of the book.

  3. The book cannot be printed and distributed by two different companies in the same language and the same country at the same time.

  4. The author assures that this work is original and not the same as any other literature written by someone else, ruling out the possibilities of any copyright issues with other authors. In case the book is found to be plagiarized or copied, Paradoxical Quotes will have the right to withdraw the book from circulation.

  5. The author assures that he/she owns the right/copyright of all the images and photos used inside the book. Paradoxical Quotes will not be a part of any lawsuit arises. Anyone challenging the use of copyrighted photo/image in the book, PQss may withdraw the book if any such lawsuit / legal proceedings happen about the use of copyrighted image/photo. The author shall pay the legal expenses, fines, compensation if any arises due to the book. 


The author assures that his/her book is not among the six categories of books which PQs do not print and distribute: 

  • Plagiarized or copied books. When the submitted manuscript has copied content, copy-pasted from other books, websites, blogs, etc. even if parts of it; it does not qualify as original work; Paradoxical Quotes publishes only original works. 

  • If the manuscript has copied content, those portions will have to be removed or rewritten in original words. PQs runs Copyscape test or similar test for each book to check for plagiarism, and books with copied content get disqualified for publication.

  • Pornographic or obscene books,

  • Books on the ideology of terrorist groups, or against the interest of the nation

  • Books containing personal attacks, allegations or hatred towards the real person(s), organization(s) or communities, books containing legal case histories & solicitations of past, presently continuing or planned future litigation with a real person(s), organization(s) or communities. 

  • Books that propagate or promote superstition thinking, like astrology books, books on palmistry, feng shui, black magic, horoscopes, numerology, Vastu Shastra and other forms of magic remedies.


Books will be made available through the Paradoxical Quotes website and all the other ebook stores including Apple, Amazon and many more to come. Buyers will be able to buy online payment system.

  1. Authors may separately promote and advertise the book to build awareness and increase sales.

  2. Paradoxical Quotes will pay ‘royalty’ to the author, which is a percentage of the price set for the book.

  3. The author agrees that price of the book shall be decided by Paradoxical Quotes considering multiple factors like the number of pages, size of the book, colour pages if any, type of binding, no. of images or illustrations used, additional cover decoration, the popularity of the subject, etc. Paradoxical Quotes’ decision in this regard will be reasonable, at par with the country’s standards and final. 

  4. PQs shall maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript until it printed and distributed by Paradoxical Quotes.

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